Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Patrick Star :
-Lives under a ROCK
-Generally Moronic

Don't you just love him?

Chemical Equations are fun. Glad i fell asleep in class. For like 10 minutes! WOAH!
I like the library.
So nice to sleep in.
Thx Jacqueline for waking me up. :D

So sleepy recently. Today was sick too. Cheese caught my cold. AHhHhH :D
Sorry Cheese~

what is my name?

Fe + x LiXe - = Felix. IronLithiumXenon.

YAY! Epic Fail for my Chemistry.


I shall disappear from life, as life goes on without me. Yes, i'll be invisible, and transparent. So unoticable even David Foot.... i mean Copperfield will be shocked. I bet his tricks wont work as good as mine. MUhahahaHAH.

So boring. i got con - ed, stood up, tricked, or whatever .

I want a ribena.

Dear Cheese, do you like rats?
I shall give you some. Because i caught alot of them.
With my sharp claws and agile reflexes.
Yea! Or i'll just dissect them and do experiment on them.

I got a surprise today. It was huge. And long. And round. And very delicious.
Guess what isit? Ehh, i bet someone is thinking sick right now .
It's a......

Omg, bored. sigining off.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Sometimes, life just don't work out the way you want it to.
So, for some people, in order to make things right, they do it themselves, instead of waiting for it to happen.

They will become agressive and persistent. And some may be violent and forceful too.
As long as the job is done. As long as there is results, nobody minds the little things.

This is the world. How things work out.

Im going to murder that someone.
Im going to chop him up into tiny little pieces, mash him together, grind him up and fry him.

The main idea is, im pissed.

Unlimited amount of anger and hatred not even Darth Vader can win against. Screw the dark side. Im going to the DarKest side.

What a series of unfortunate events.
I thank my blog for letting me express my problems.